Live Morphology Imaging is a Better Approach for Observing Sperm Head Osmolality-induced Morphological Changes Compared with Diff-Quik Staining Method

Objetctive To compare the live morphology imaging technology of LensHooke® X1 PRO Semen Quality Analyzer with Diff-Quik staining in sperm head morphometric analysis. Introduction The dimensions of spermatozoa, especially head parameters, play a pivotal role for the sperm morphology assessment according to WHO 5th manual for human sperm morphology assessment.Diff-Quik is one of the staining […]

ASRM-Validation of LensHooke® X1 PRO and Computer-Assisted Semen Analyzer Compared with Laboratory-Based Manual Semen Analysis

Introduction Infertility is prevalent in approximately 190 million people and male factor is one of the important reason (50% of the total cases) couple infertility. Semen analysis is considered as the cornerstone for laboratory evaluation of male infertility. Manual semen analysis can assess the macroscopic (pH, volume and appearance) and microscopic (sperm concentration, % total […]

Automation of human semen analysis using a novel artificial intelligence optical microscopic technology

Abstract Current semen analysis still commonly depends on a manual microscopy method in clinical laboratories worldwide. However, some of the major disadvantages of this technique are that it is labour‐intensive, subjective, laboratory‐based and time‐consuming. Although computer‐assisted semen analysers (CASAs) have enabled partialautomation of routine semen analysis, they lack wider acceptance due to their complicated operation. […]