Clinical Relevance of Oxidation-Reduction Potential in the Evaluation of Male Infertility

Objective To evaluate (1) the relationship between oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) and abnormal sperm quality, and (2) the changes in ORP and sperm parameters over time, in search of a potential surrogate marker of poor sperm quality that may assist in the diagnosis of oxidative stress-related male infertility. Materials and Methods A total of 194 infertile […]

Oxidation-reduction Potential of Semen: What Is Its Role in the Treatment of Male Infertility?

Abstract The diagnosis of male infertility relies largely on conventional semen analysis, and its interpretation has a profound influence on subsequent management of patients. Despite poor correlation between conventional semen parameters and male fertility potential, inclusion of advanced semen quality tests to routine male infertility workup algorithms has not been widely accepted. Oxidative stress is […]

Webinar #3: MiOXSYS, Complementary evaluation for the study of male infertility

Continuando con el ciclo de seminarios organizado por CIMAB IBÉRICA, en el tercer seminario hablamos del estrés oxidativo y su diagnóstico mediante el sistema de análisis MiOXSYS. Tuvimos como invitados especiales al Sr. Bas Hersmus y el Professor Ralf Henkel, quienes compartieron sus conocimientos y experiencias en sus valiosas presentaciones. Si necesitas información adicional, no […]

High Levels of Oxidation-Reduction Potential in Frozen-Thawed Human Semen Are Significantly Correlated With Poor Post-Thaw Sperm Quality

Abstract This study examined the relationship between oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) in frozen-thawed semen and the post-thaw sperm parameters. Levels of ORP were measured in 25 samples from men presenting for routine infertility work-up and were expressed as millivolt (mV)/106 sperm/ml. Frozen-thawed samples were examined for post-thaw total motility (TM%), progressive motility (PM%), total sperm count (TSC) […]

A Comparison Between Two Assays for Measuring Seminal Oxidative Stress and Their Relationship With Sperm DNA Fragmentation and Semen Parameters

Abstract Oxidative stress (OS) is a significant cause of DNA fragmentation and is associated with poor embryo development and recurrent miscarriage. The aim of this study was to compare two different methods for assessing seminal OS and their ability to predict sperm DNA fragmentation and abnormal semen parameters. Semen samples were collected from 520 men […]

MiOXSYS: a novel method of measuring oxidation reduction potential in semen and seminal plasma

Routine semen analysis is the backbone of male factor infertility evaluation. However, such testing does not assess oxidative stress, which is a major contributor to male factor infertility (1–7). Oxidative stress in sperm stems from excessive production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Physiological levels of ROS are necessary for optimal sperm functions such as motility, […]