Póster ESHRE 2019: Microfluidic sperm selection by the ZyMōt sperm separation device concentrates sperm with significantly less DNA damage for subsequent ART procedures.
Póster ESHRE 2019: Microfluidic Sperm Selection Enhances ICSI Outcomes by Selecting Spermatozoa with the Highest Chromatin Integrity
A treatment approach for couples with disrupted sperm DNA integrity and recurrent ART failure
Objective To test a novel method to select spermatozoa with high chromatin integrity. Result(s) A total of 23 men had an average SCF of 20.7 ± 10%. After DGS and MSS, the SCF was 12.5 ± 5% and 1.8 ± 1%, respectively. In couples who underwent ICSI, the average SCF was 28.8 ± 9%, which fell to 21.0 ± 9% after DGS and 1.3 ± 0.7% after […]
Comparison of microfluid sperm sorting chip and density gradient methods for use in intrauterine insemination cycles
Objective To compare the effect of microfluiding sperm sorting chip and density gradient methods on ongoing pregnancy rates (PRs) of patients undergoing IUI. Result(s) A total of 265 patients were included in the study. Microfluid sperm sorting and density gradient were used to prepare sperm in 133 and 132 patients, respectively. Baseline spermiogram parameters, including […]
ASRM 2018: A Microfluidic Device for Selecting the Most Progressively Motile Spermatozoa Yields a Higher Rate of Euploid Embryos
Objective: We tested a novel approach for treating couples with complete and persistent embryo aneuploidy. Using a microfluidic device, we selected spermatozoa with the highest progressive motility and genomic integrity, capable of generating euploid embryos. Materials and Methods: Consenting men had their ejaculates screened by standard semen analysis according to WHO 2010 criteria. Specimens were […]
Effects of the microfluidic chip technique in sperm selection for intracytoplasmic sperm injection for unexplained infertility: a prospective, randomized controlled trial.
PURPOSE: The new-generation spermatozoon selection method, microfluidic technique called Fertile Chip® gives the chance to select spermatozoa with lower DNA fragmentation indexes. We aimed to determine the effect of microfluidic techniques for spermatozoon selection in ICSI treatment in patients with unexplained infertility.
Microfluidic sorting selects sperm for clinical use with reduced DNA damage compared to density gradient centrifugation with swim-up in split semen samples
SUMMARY ANSWER: Microfluidic sorting of unprocessed semen allows for the selection of clinically usable, highly motile sperm with nearly undetectable levels of DNA fragmentation. WHAT IS KNOWN ALREADY: Microfluidic devices have been explored to sort motile and morphologically normal sperm from a raw sample without centrifugation; however, it is uncertain whether DNA damage is reduced in this […]
ESHRE 2018: Impact of microfluidic sperm sorting on embryo quality and comprehensive chromosome screening outcomes of couples with repeated implantation failure
What is the impact of the microfluidic sperm selection technique for IVF/ICSI on embryo quality and euploidy rates in couples with Repeated Implantation Failure (RIF)? When microfluid chip-sorted spermatozoa is used for IVF/ICSI, a higher number of top quality blastocysts and better euploidy rates were observed compared to standard selection. This was a retrospective analysis between 2016 […]
Improving pregnancy rate in IVF cycles by preparing sperm via microfluidic sperm chips
Effect of microfluidic sperm chips to sperm motility and DNA integrity improvement is already known by some studies. Although, microfluidic technologies were introduced in ART field at the beginning of 21st century and are being advanced from day to day, there is still no prevailing utilization in laboratories and there are few studies presenting their […]
ESHRE 2017: Selection of spermatozoa with higher chromatin integrity through a microfluidics device
Study question: We tested a simple method to enrich spermatozoa with higher progressive motility and superior chromatin status in men with normal and abnormal semen parameters. Summary answer: A microfluidics device was able to isolate spermatozoa with higher progressive motility and the lowest incidence of chromatin fragmentation in oligo- and normo-spermic semen. What is known […]