Publicaciones científicas
Accede a estudios y artículos científicos actualizados sobre fertilidad masculina, respaldados por investigaciones de renombre mundial.
High Levels of Oxidation-Reduction Potential in Frozen-Thawed Human Semen Are Significantly Correlated With Poor Post-Thaw Sperm Quality
April 2020
Ramadan Saleh, Mohamed Elsuity, Ralf Henkel, Ashok Agarwal
Optimizing the protocol for vitrification of individual spermatozoa by adjusting equilibration time
congelación de semen, espermatozoides, SPERMVD, VITRIFICACIÓN
24 Marzo, 2020
Michael Belenky, Diana Itzhakov, Vita Freger, Orna Roseman, Sarah Abehsera, Netanella Miller & Arie Berkovitz
Comparison of microfluid sperm sorting chip and density gradient methods for use in intrauterine insemination cycles
Noviembre 2019
Funda Gode M.D., Taylan Bodur M.D., Fatma Gunturkun Ph.D., Ali Sami Gurbuz M.D., Burcu Tamer M.S., Ibrahim Pala M.S., Ahmet Zeki Isik M.D.
A treatment approach for couples with disrupted sperm DNA integrity and recurrent ART failure
Octubre 2019
A Parrella, D Keating, S Cheung, P Xie, JD. Stewart, Z Rosenwaks & GD. Palermo
Póster ESHRE 2019: Microfluidic Sperm Selection Enhances ICSI Outcomes by Selecting Spermatozoa with the Highest Chromatin Integrity
Zymot, ZyMot ICSI
Junio 2019
K Hancock, A Parrella, M Goldman, Z Rosenwaks, and GD. Palermo
Póster ESHRE 2019: Microfluidic sperm selection by the ZyMōt sperm separation device concentrates sperm with significantly less DNA damage for subsequent ART procedures.
Zymot, ZyMot ICSI
Junio 2019
D. Hodge, M. Vermilyea, R. O’Leary, S. Wittmier, A. Wen G. Ringler, K. Baek, R. Marrs