ESHRE-Evaluation of a Fully Automated Semen Quality Analyzer (LensHooke X1) for Home-based Monitoring


08 de mayo, 2021


Home-based semen quality analyzer (HBSQA) provides private, convenient and rapid evaluation of semen samples. However, there is no information in literature on post-surgical (varicocele repair or removal of ejaculatory duct obstruction) semen quality monitoring (SQM) using HBSQA. Most HBSQA measures only one or a few parameters at a time and thus cannot replace standard laboratory analysis of a semen specimen. LensHooke™ X1 semen quality analyzer, a new generation HBSQA can analyze multiple semen parameters. This study is aimed to evaluate LensHooke™ X1, a fully automated HBSQA for its accuracy, reproducibility, precision and usability as a SQM device.


1 – Accuracy: Both novice and trained professionals showed high degree of accuracy in sperm concentration and total motility (>90%). There were no significant differences between the two groups (Fig 1, Table 1).
2 – Reproducibility: High degree of reproducibility (98.6%) for the measurement of latex beads concentration (Fig 2, Table 2).

3 – Precision: Average CV% for the measurement of latex bead concentration was 9.7%. (Fig 2, Table 2).

4 – Usability: Received excellent positive feedback (96%) on the overall impression of LensHooke™ X1 and satisfaction rate of 98% on the user-experience with an average score of 3.32 out of 4 points.


LensHooke™ X1 accurately measures the sperm concentration and total motility. Users can operate LensHooke™ X1 and obtain reliable results without hands-on experience or additional training. Furthermore, this user-friendly device has high reproducibility to determine the concentration of latex beads. As a result, LensHooke™ X1 may be used for long term monitoring of semen quality post reproductive surgery such as varicocelectomy and removal of genital tract obstruction.